Go outside, or buy a Wii and pretend to be outside
I'm going to have to disagree with that statement. '08 was a fairly dry year for must haves.
Shock, you are so whipped
"ok I understand. and do you mean ty as in the used to be loyal?" shhhhh .... you only think you've figured it out lol
I will be doing other things at 12am too Shock ;)
in like 15hrs
I am a knight in shining armor I guess. I've been told that before , noble indeed
all I know is I found it poking around my front yard when I was taking out the trash, and I like dogs, didn't want it to be stuck out in the cold.
HA HA I'm not stuck with it now, and I don't see getting promoted anytime soon :P so I win LOLOLOLOL and no, nothing bad happened out of the...
and thoretically, I had Loyal forced upon me .... in a way ;)
Bored as hell, no Live Gold until Halo Wars comes out, and thats if I can even afford it. Haven't come on here much cuz noone really talks to me...
and it's not a random string of characters, I drive an '07 WRX ...... subaru ..... get it now?
well I neverasked you to retire me, only to be depraived of the purple .... now I iz just :( nub
it is not a jew fro, it would be much more poofy for a jew fro, it's flat you nub. :P
I iz/was Ty nub, i thought you knew that
so how come you demoted TSB but wouldn't demote me?
well nucking futs
"I asked my girlfriend for my virginity back and all she did was laugh and say "No, no, it's mine now babe." What do I do :'(." that as ****ing...
my gold expired and like my friends list became empties ..... idk what happened
y u sadface?