man I feel like I have no life for having over 12000 GS ... but you sir have over 13 ..... I feel better now ;)
if my LIVE wasn't expired and I could afford to renew it I would .... but ....
well everyone does relaize that the maps aren't on a disc in the game, you just get a code to download them. We could very well be waiting awhile...
it's actually slutitis, if you can get their friend to catch it, they will fall in line soon there after, just make sure you're in line first or...
Imagine Metroid Prime in your pocket to carry to work ..... then i'd never be bored again ....
I have a feeling the Halo 3 maps have a little bit to do with thewhacky release date shenanigans.
well hate to burst everyone's bubble but HBO brings bad news .... :( Halo Wars US Release: It's March After All apparently even Major Nelson...
well **** ...... i guess we're all ****ed now.
it was a figure of speech as an act of randomness, it wasn't supposed to mean anything lol
my question is ... why are we not allowed to stand and pee anymore? : /
n/m .... lol
That is a good motto to uphold
oh trust me I know, if she turns out looking anything remotely like her mother, I'm going to be fending off teenage boys like a swarm of zombies...
So finally we'll be able to see a taste of this game in action. Even if we pre-ordered/paid it off already : / .... Halo Wars news from CES...
weak sauce
I was 20 when my daughter was born : / oops
It's insane that no matter how long people spend on the internet, they don't know when and what is going on. The three maps releasing with Halo...
hey it's Ty i just now realized, after knowing you for like ever, that you're almost old enough to be my dad ...... that's odd .... :/
I think that she's confused on the terminology, first and foremost because I'm pretty sure anyone can buy condoms if you're over 18, even...