Killnon is the winner! Late replys ftl!
Me and a different friend did it again!!! Two videos!
Me and my friend were on The Storm, doing the amazingly awesome flying dumpster exploit/glitch. We got going and we could see, we hit something,...
Can't you change the spawn order? 1 is the first 0 is random.
Does the fate have 6-7 of something? That would certainly match the quote.
Some of you may have heard of this before. It's a game where someone posts a picture and other people make commentary on it, like so: Bob:...
*ahem* This was on page nineteen and was not acknoweledged >.> So i was the first to think of it :)
You can't only modded gametypes can.
I'm sure that it keeps track of our won games and not won games, look at your service record on I had just won 2 games of Team Doubles...
Nobody even protested... Not enough people knew about it.
I was thinking maybe its the Mystery of Sandtrap AND another map. What other maps have ships in them like the Fate? We can cross out the...
So, should i email bungie about this? It would really help us.
I was working on a map i recently started, because of the maitenance, and i went from like, 9% done to 50% done. And i forgot to save. They...
>.> I honestly had no clue you could even do this, i'll study it and get back to you.
It's really easy, and i did it on the 24th.
Count me in, and i will go this time. My GT is HALOSTAR317.
Yay, since i <3 CTF.
oh wow. That IS the greatest montage ever.
Ok, i'll set my alarm ;) [IMG] There you go.
I'll join the sunday one, i'll make a sig poster for it too. but is it in the morning or the night? if it's in the morning i can make it, if not...