The only problem with water vehicles is that when you set vehicle set to tanks, you suddenly have tanks spawning in the water. I was thinking more...
you can also in campaign jump in the gunner's seat and the driver will gladly jump out.
well, the hitboxes could stay the same, but the armor would just change slightly
no, but implementing curves and what not. I'd rather not be too specific on this because I could totally see this getting weird... and awkward......
wow, this acheivement list is shaping up to be pretty interesting. grav hammer's back. Also do you guys think that this implies that the force...
Why didn't he make one of the marines set off the slipspace drive? he must have been suicidal...
it says in the limited edition of halo reach in halsey's journal that Jun died protecting her.
no it doesn't jun died while protecting her. NONE OF THE NOBLE TEAM IS ALIVE GODDAMMIT! it's been two years and the community can't seem to get...
I'm glad I got a game on this map because I had a blast! I have a few suggestions though: - you should try to make the warthog jump on the right...
I dunno. I think it's a forge environment. I can't possibly imagine this as a multiplayer map and it might be their way of teasing the next forge...
Halo 4 News - New Multiplayer Map!! - YouTube
new multiplayer map. BOOM Halo 4 News - New Multiplayer Map!! - YouTube
well, you have to admit that the sticky detonator is pretty cool and maybe Halo 5 won't further it. I don't think that the progression of...
still, if you look at the big picture, they're not big changes. Not staying in scope when being shot at is something that always annoyed me, and...
I just feel like you're judging this game way too early and harshly you don't even have the game yet and you're already bashing it. did anyone...
nope, he just died before the 'nade 'sploded and it stuck to the other guy. it would have been a cool and dynamic (as well as more fair)...
what if parties were more likely to play against other parties? then the advantage of better communication would be cancelled out. It could also...
on a lighter note, did anyone notice that you can remove plasma grenades that are stuck to you? I think I saw it in the E3 footage but never...
nope, there's you problem. you would realize that slower killtimes in reach made for more dynamic gameplay where getting the drop on someone could...
Alright: more edits 1. scratch the two months. It's not helpful and it's inconsistent. How about it uses the past 50 matches? that way people who...