I like Yu-gi oh. and Yu-gi-oh the abridged series. I dare you to judge me.
LOADOUT NAME: mazdak is awesome (of course) PRIMARY: Light rifle SECONDARY: Boltshot GRENADE TYPE: plasma ARMOR ABILITY: Auto-sentry TACTICAL...
negative grav+positive grav=zero grav
...or a prank show.
once we get super-budget, and zero gravity zones, you guys are in for one hell of a minigame.
whoops, sorry. I meant Halo 5. Edited by merge: Well, I still don't see why the mammoth would be in the game if they didn't remake sandtrap,
you're welcome:) check out this guy's other stuff- I'd recommend chambermaid swing and libella awing.
I don't know if anyone realizes that they've been working on this game since 2009 (=3, almost 4 years) I assume that's an acceptable amount of...
*pyro picks MLG sanctuary* *PyroII picks invasion*
Hi, I'm good. Berb to meet you.
Hi, I'm sky. I like computerized animations of japanese midgets [Spoiler]
bless the lollbox... [IMG]
What if bungie came back and 343 and bungie did alternating 6-year cycles? I would be in heaven, that's what.
Well, at least it doesn't make the game worse
well, your concern that they're spending too much time on grifball doesn't make much sense considering most of making the grifball gametype...
yeah, it's weird that CTF and assault are the same thing. It's just the map that makes them play different.
I don't recall there being an assault game where you don't push past the halfway mark
well, I couldn't think of any sports but I was just showing that games can have that setting and still play well. If you want a closer comparison...
What about CTF?
rugby, I think.