Maps wish list: 1. Vertical map,(sword base, countdown, Prisoner, penance-esque) 2. Some sort of treacherous, float-ey map with lots of cool tac...
...seems legit...
*Begin Raging*
look, we still have 4 maps left, and I'm hoping at least one of those is a decent vertical-map. I don't expect any more BTB maps for Halo 4.
of course classic grifball isn't gone, as long as they still have assault. Edited by merge: If infection flood is like hunters where you could...
Aha! Yes! Called it! Does anyone else think that Mark VI armor + red visor looks retarded?
I think they're the equivalent of re-skinned swords except they're part of the flood's body, just like Hunters can't drop their FRG thing
the map they're on... does it look like the remake?
yeah, but he was pretty negative about it. cookie, I like your maps! Cookie SX was the best SX ever made, Road to Zion was the best BT in ages,...
This may be breaking from the simplicity that Forge boasts, but I wish that we could designate movement paths for objects,and then execute them in...
Let's go jets. We're gonna get some stroke of luck this year.
I'm talking about maps, though. The only thing sandbox was good for was its skybox and flat surface. Reach has that as well+ other awesome ****.
Nostalgia compelled 343 to release half a game and stunted the development of halo 4 (maybe they would have been able to throw together a beta if...
My friend went as an incredibly detailed refrigerator right down to the light that turns on when you open it.
I dunno. I think it's more of the nostalgia that's getting to you. Objectively, with "different" objects. Reach forge is H3 but with awesome terrain.
yeah, but why have a flat-out worse version of that?
I dunno... that cuts out all the nice looking grass, water, interesting terrain to work with, and trees without really bringing something cool to...
how is it possible to not read this when you have to scroll down to post??
Am I high or was high ground not ****ing btb
Aaaand solace was just released for halo 4...pretty bad timing IMO