as opposed to my: What exactly are you pissed off about again?
mmm there goes any hope of forge info. I thought mabye that screenshot was some sort of tease.
I'm... I'm... I'm speechless.
Aww ****! They hate us a lot don't they?
lol they're gonna talk about theater mode or some ****. 343: I swear to god...
I smell a forge bulletin this wednesday...
ENTJ Extravert(56%) iNtuitive(50%) iNtuitive Thinking(38%) Judging(1%) You have moderate preference of Extraversion over Introversion (56%)...
Seriously, that's like half of all your posts.
I have no problem with forge turning into portal. I do have a problem, however, with the fact that 343 REALLY wants us to make a lockout remake....
Yeah, fun fact, in every division of the U.S. military, every member of the army is required to start walking on their left foot. Drinking game...
See? this is why this community should totally develop this game.
Same here. I hope RTX wasn't all they had.
yeah, I don't think removing no scoping is much of a nerf. In fact, now you have both an overpowered sniper and a shotgun all rolled up into one...
I don't think the mantis is necessarily on that map. They said when they were releasing exile that the vehicle set is just to show off certain...
bassline bunker hill
ok fine. I think I owe him an apology. Sorry Paints but I still don't understand why 343 would do it if it's generally a bad idea. I mean, the...
HA. Neutral tank. I laugh at your ignorance! Ha. Hahaha. HAHAHAHAHA. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! have you even played boneyard? neutral tank gets...
Interestingly enough, this makes it so that all power weapons must be perfectly balanced with each other as well, or else you're getting ****ed...
Where is our bulletin at? I'm craving for INFORMATIOOOON
well, 30 of those bucks are the three maps packs that you get for free then, everything else must be of value to you of over 10 dollars for it to...