no im just trying to be polite
thanx for the forgiveness don't worry your not the only one who hasn't got your xbox mine is getting sent off soon anyway lol
Preety cool i will have to agree with wailingjam
Sorry i thought you were someone else i know a haza thats why lol
OBSTRUCTION V2 DOWNLOAD Recommended gametypes Slayer, CTF (Capture the flag), KOTH (King of the hill) and assault. Forging 101: [ ___ ]...
hazza have i played online with you before or not because I can't remember
thanx for the advice I'll do it differently next time thanx
I've downloaded some of your other maps and they are awesome so is this one great work 4/5
Hey thanx for replying to my thread i'm watching you
Well even when i do this it goes beserk if you know what i mean
I would have to agree with POWERSLAVE to much jumping here it's a bit to open On the other hand I agree with HLGmostwanted it's very organised 3/5
OBSTRUCTION DOWNLOAD OBSTRUCTION V2 IDEA I got the idea of rats nest using...
Well a lot of the time when i use any type of merging it goes wrong, even when i use all the appropriate methods it still goes wrong. I have...
It looks great just a shame i can't dowload it until i get the mythic map pack which by when i get get i most likely won't find this But it looks...
"Hi velheka you can never escape me ha ha ha ha ha I have the almighty forehead of the universe" Quoted from Nillabob. you know who he is na it's...
TREMOR AND MOUSE I have created my own version of tremor and mouse (using a different name for obvious reasons). I did already have this map on...
I apologize for not getting pics for this one as I just fixed my computer my map The Shipment on the other hand has pictures I had only just got...
THE SHIPMENT Recommended gametypes Slayer, Oddball, King of the hill download link Halo 3 File Details I got the idea of the call of duty 4...
Remember There 's always time