[spoiler] Link to wallpaper please. Anyway, here's my current desktop: [IMG] [IMG] DeviantArt Link
Fix it then! Fffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Your sig picture leads to Winding Way on Bungie.net
good good
how's Trace?
I actually like what you tried to do with this map, with multiple pathways, and things like the very top of the map not having a power weapons...
I would be very happy for both of those to be added, and you might aswell post them on Bungie.net, as far as I can see you have nothing to lose...
Hulio Ceaser by JFox
The map's called 'Phish Phood' not Phish Food. Also, testing this map earlier proved to be quite fun, can't wait for this map to be polished up.
Fwappy birthday
Nominating: Hulio Ceaser by PatchworkZombie
Totally agree with sexy Katanga there. Anyway, much like Katanga I thoroughly enjoyed testing this map, I don't know what it is about your style...
Actually yes, I've seen a video were a guy uses armour lock to stay in one place, an that does seem like a good tactic, although, I'm not sure if...
Don't sharpen as much?
I found it before may 3rd, and I don't want to say that I was the first to find it because I'm really not sure, I searched youtube after i...
To be honest, I wouldn't mind people using the spot so much, if they bothered to get an original clip of them 'finding' it, rather than using mine.
Im pretty sure I've seen this without the shoulder mounted weapons and text, oh and different Iron Man colours before, so with what you actually...
Ok, so it is highly unlkely that any of you will have seen a HLG spot that I found on Powerhouse. However; I thought that I would share it with...
Ok, this isn't as specific as yours, but Grav Hammer assassination: You use the shaft to strangle someone, who's on their knees.