Please don't spam like this in the future. ShortKidPena would benefit more from you saying something like 'I like such and such about this map,...
ye, i seen it now, i posted a thread about it.
It's advertising.
No, it's called Drop Shield, and as far as I'm aware, when you drop it, everyone inside regenerates health. However; the shield can be destroyed...
Wow. That would definitely be an interesting forge, however, it might not be very easy to make a decent sized version.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I don't think it's a repeater either.
Halo Reach: Firefight on Beachhead YouTube - Firefight 2.0 Beachead Gameplay Discuss. One thing I noticed was that when the player is driving...
:'(, anyway, the kid left. A couple of people joined and claimed to work for Bungie, and then the kid went away crying because he thought he was...
What? Also, I had a fan boy in my party earlier, who saw the Top Ten, and was asking if I worked for Bungie. After a while he said he was 14 so...
hey insane, r u on xbox? ive got a fan boy in my party who wants to speak to anoj, i said u know him, will u play along?
Is this teh advertz? Check the comments.
That alone tells me that this is advertising.
Just waht I was gonna say, but I had to go downstairs to get me pizza :'(. Also, just like others have said, the video is boring.
Some time ago now, me and PatchworkZombie were trying to think of original ways to get mongoose splatters. This is one of those: 112708310 And...
Where is this top ten?
ahh, ok, ill have to do me some browsin, any recommendations?
Ima have to look there, but only after skipping through a meadow with a hat made of jam resting on my.... forehead. So how much they cost?
"Death YoYo;1197824 said: Anyways, this might be the first map based on female reproductive organs that looks playable, and its undoubtably the...
Why did you build rebuild it on the secret invisible narrows bridge which is on a 36 degree angle slightly to the left of the eastern-most dip in...
Very nice trailer you got there. I've always loved that ending, not sure why though. But very chilling. Anyway, I suggest you submit this sexy...