Um... wow... this track is kind of awesomesauce. I really like the slug like exit with the backflip. That is so creative!
Looks really clean, so props for that! I will be sure to get a gameplay session going on.
OMG... um.. where do I start. Bases are way to stacked with Weapons making it liek and armory. Vehicless surve no purpose because the map is too...
What about Operation Anchorage?
Brilliant job Zombievillian. This map was definitly no dissapointment even though the lack of good gameplay for my favorite gametype, CTF. (lol)...
Halo Reach will be game of the Year for 2010!
Is Point Lookout DLC for Fallout 3 worth it. i heard from some that it sucks and from others it is really fun.
The best Pokemon is Torchic, enough said.
Bungie Day was overall awesome! I loved the Video on blood Gulch, and the Flames were great!
Poeple are greedy. It isn't the armor itself, it is the fact that it is exclusive that everyone wants it. Same with anything in life.
The Flames were so fun to use. But I am glad Bungie took them back after 1 day.
Achievment Unlocked!: You 1 - Bungie 0 Play a Ranked Match with at least one Bungie Employee on the other team and win the game.
But I always go for the Sniper... how is that being a Noob?
Isn't the Nube Tube Rounds a per order bonus?
Custom Flags seem great, as long as we can type in our own messages. Obviously nothign innapropriate.
Blood Gulch definitly seems forged, in a way. By adding th terrain. And as they were taking about the increase in water, that could have been...
The basic game idea is ok but it is... overused and kind of unoriginal. And as you said, the map is...well... very uneat. No sign of merging...
After two games on the map, heres my review -Map is overall very neat so I give you props for that. -Design layout is very nciue and flows like...
Oh. There is a contest going on, I see, lol. My Bad.
I put it in the Video.