Zombie was the only good part of CoD WaW. I hope this version will be better.
How long would you say Point Lookout is?
Strange.... there isn't as many as I thought there would be.
I will start by playing Campaign then Customs with some pals.
Wow, they are really giving out alot of Armor.
The some parts are really sloppy like this [IMG] That just looks really bad. you need to do some touch ups on the map.
Agreed, some parts do look slopy but I cannot tell if it was on purpose or not... Also with the wood as benny said, can be a bad move when...
Ou tof these three, Fallout 3 is the most enjoyable.
That was accualty the first one I bought. =P
Seems like a Pelican, Phantom, and a UNSC Star Craft ship combind into one, interesting....
I ahve to start off by saying this map is incredibly clean. So props for that my friend. An a question... how can the sandbox skull veen show...
From what I can tell, the map is beautifully forged. Looks like it will ahve very nice flow. But I do not think that the FX Juicy is very...
Looks very interesting. You definitly put alot of detail into this map. Good work pal.
Your new map is sick Zombievillain! Nice job pal.
Welcome Pal! And there are many great forgers on the site who could help you so be sure of that.
Welcome ot the site! I know youwill enjoy it here.
Is is possible to get the RRD more then once?
Looks sick man!
God thats and old picture, why would you need that now?
Or that could be how flags will be in Reach.