Welcome ot the site! And cannot wait too see some new, fresh map posts from some new forgers!
Fallout 3 defintily, it is filled with close to 200 hours of gameplay, plus the DLC's if you buy GOTY Edition.
I wasn't a real fan of that game, the graphics looked too cartoonish which threw me off of it.
Sebd me a link to it when you post it, I would be interested in seeing it.
Welcome my friend! I am sure you eill enjoy your time here.
Looks really interesting. This will be an asthetic map, right?
Very interesting. The map looks very clean so props for that. the obsticles seems really funa nd creative as well. And hopefully it isn't too...
These look Yummy, lol.
Halo Reach's Firefight looks awesome! I cannot wait for it!
Is Crackdown 2 worth getting?
It isn't even neat at all. It looks kind of rushed to be honest. Some blocks aren't even lined up. I recommend making it cleaner by merging the map.
How do you get then all together like that? Lol.
Still to bright! I cannot really see much.
Hate to say this, but it is one of the worst I have ever seen.
Good shot to celebrate Bungie Day.
This accualty came out pretty nice.
I accualty liked this better then previous ones. But they were still stupid.
No offense, but some of these were just silly and stupid.
Agreed, it works awesome!
The track design is kidn of boring and unoriginal, a big loop. Honestly, kind of boring. I would also neaten up tyhe track, it seem a tad bit...