Really? Oh wow... I have some fixing to do then.
Map itself is awesome! I love the asthetic detail you put into the map. Magnificent!
Thank you for clearing it out to him.
Some of these traps reminds me of those from the Map "Saw", and there are some pretty unquie ones that I have not seen before.
I think you are wrong, you see, you only take in 75% of the normal damage done to you.
Lol, wonder what makes you say that....
I just watched the video and I must say, very impressive!
I am level 16 right now so hopefully that would not be a problem.
Pretty much, when it first came out, I was interested then because of this, I got bored of it.
Welcome ot the site pal! And thi is definitly the place to leanr about forge, there are so many skilled forgers here.
I cannot really tell that much fromt he Pictures so I will have to playa game or two on it to give a better perspective on the map.
A 7.5 isn't very convincing.... but I will be sure to look into this game a little bit more before I decide to purchase it or not.
It is a 1 life game, 1 life per round. 5 Rounds.
In my opinion Mirrors Edge was a complete was of time, not a good game at all.
Dogfight By: JPeloquin218 Dogfight is a sky combat like Slayer Game. Eash team is given 4 flying vechicles, 2 Banshees, 1 Transport Hornet,...
I didn't mean "random", but just some structures to fillin the empty spaces int he middle.
This track is incredibly neat for a Foundry Track so props for that. I only feel that if you fall of the track ins ome parts, you may not be able...
Over 5 hours!? That sounds good.
I can already tell, they map is way too open in the middle. I recommend putting soem thign is to make it feel less open, maybe some catwalks ,...
Still, you could have merged it sloppy and thot way, it would look like you care enough about the map to give a decent impression in asthetics.