I do not understand... what is the game? Is it a Territory game, VIP, what? You didn't give any descpriction of the map and gametype. But what I...
NOTE: V2 of the gametype is Up in the OP! Changes made form the original - Damage Resistance is now 150% - Damage modifier is nowe 75%
I would have sais Halo but it really wasn't a "Halo" campaign. It didn't feel like a interesting campaign. It felt rushed.
It is a very interesting design, you did not ever say how many people it could suport so I would guess maybe like 2-6 people. I really suggest...
I cannot decide. I want Legendary but only for Flames and Specail Elite armor, but I do not care for the other stuff.
So what is the pont of the Container? Just a random spot to put items in if need be, or does he take it for some reason?
I would add more to the "Shelter". There really isn't alot of places Humans can go, and it is very open which wil make killing the Zombie svery...
It canot work like that, there are only a total of 4 Banshees and a total of 4 Hornets (2 being Transport and 2 being Regular).
Your talking about the Hornet Drop system in the Asset Canvas map, right?
Looks pretty good so far, very clean and neat. Keep up the good work pal.
Wpuld it still be under warrenty if it happened again?
I would make the episodes shorter because after 5 minutes, I just got bored.
That guys looks... trippin'.
Unfortunitly, I thought MW2 had the most interesting and interactive Campaign. What do you think?
**** Zombies was fun until the Last map, it just got rediculous by then, adding in stupid and unecessary things.
When you play PL, do they take your items like in all the other ones at the start? Just so I know how much to bring.
I forgot to add this one to my post. Lol
As we know there are 3 Editions of Halo: Reach being sold on the day of Release; The Standard, the Limited, and the Legendary. Which will you...
How could a Plamsa Rifle be allowed? It is an Automatic Weapon.
Thats good to hear. I like it when people acualty listen to the advice given rather then deny it liek some people do.