hes talking about halo 1. the part where the chief goes intoa supposedly locked room and finds a bunch of dead marines. he watches a video from a...
sweet, i'd like to try this out with multiple people at the same time.
i wonder if they'll make games out of each planet from the book series (Harvest and Earth have already been done. now they need to do reach and Onyx)
wow guys, Bungie said that they wouldn't make any games after Halo 3, and lookie here ODST is made. think about it, they said that they wouldn't...
is there a Scarab on this map?
hey i've made plenty of traps on Foundry. you don't want to do it on sandbox realy because there aren't many human pieces on it. plus foundry...
oooooooooooh, so it's OLD western (lol). well alright then how about train tracks?
if you want to know how to make a gun rack i can tell you. alls you need to do is make two ramp smalls and make them float against the spot where...
ooooh, i thought there might have been a different way to do it.
sup, i had an infection tourney a few weeks ago so your outta luck....
yes how do you do that? the guy that made utah Mambo did it but i can't find ANYTHING on how to do it.
for the Mech.bull you could just make it an add on to the bar. if you make a stage on one side and make the stage have a hole in the ceiling for...
Hellooooooooooo?!!!! you can't drop people from the sky bubble (that is what a drop pod is, a pod that carries a person to the ground.) if you're...
Sweet pic. like the needles and how the guy is realy dark when there is a nice and bright explosion behind him.
i got an idea for the Mech bull and i made an image in Paint.........
well you'd need to make it so that you could drive vehicles if you were human.[IMG]
if you want i can tell a bunch of my testers and clan members to spread it around as much as posible. I thought of somthing realy weastern; a...
i found that you can make statues using colombs and a TON of merged block flats, don't know if that helps but im throwing stuff out there.... i'll...
i have an idea: what if you made a shooting range. BTW how would you make rocks?
i think that sand makes warthogs slide and posibly so does snow. i also noticed that when you shoot a missile at the water (goto the deeper...