ya, in Halo2 you're on the OMCs getting some more medals. i hope they make a Halo:Onyx game. they could make you be a SpartanIII and have SPY armor.
i hope that bungie makes water levels for ODST/ Reach. i love halo's water effects.
hey, woah. i didn't say it WAS going to be the second map, i'm just seeing if he wants to use it. anyway i did say earlier that i was going to...
hello, i'm currently finnishing number two which all i can and will say right now is; Indie style (figure that out lol.)
i haven't gotten this achievment yet either, none of my friends realy want to. if any one would like to do it the 12th, that'd be great. i only...
Do you mean halo 1? any way yes the first halo is right after the fall of reach.
hello, i've got the second map almost complete but it's on sandbox, which i know everyone doesn't have. there can be Leagues. one called the...
No i don't think it's sam, unless they have you play the misson in which Chief, sam and kelly invade the covenant cruser..... which would then...
please don't judge before you play. this could be an extreamly good map and you're dissing it. i made a junk yard map on foundry and it looked...
i think that the person on the left is actualy somone in MJOLNIR mark IV armor, as the trainers used on the spartans in the book. the book says...
i hope that they'll use the new x-box cam with a halo game lol.
Did you read Fall of reach? i didn't hear anything about a spartan 239.....
ok, i wont be on too long tonight though, i'm going to the movies. so mabie friday evening? (i'm a little swamped with my forge designs and such.)
i'll post a new one in a few days if you guys'd like, i'm a little swamped with my forging though, i've got a vehicle drop pod and a human drop...
oh. i've got a simple design for your idea that i'll need to test first before i give it to you, so you'll hear from me soon!
my GT is Mavrick145
i hate MOST mods. i lie the one on stand off where they cloned tons on spartans, eliets, and oricles though. i use this one for sniping because...
i liked them alot, and for all of you people asking how to get under the glass, here's my way to do it: 1. get another person to sit under there...
i'll help test
i'd like to try the first one and help you make a second one. GT: Mavrick145