it'd be nice if you could make an escape pod out the boack or somthing like ASC67 and i were trying to make.....
for me to learn i just disected the grifball map and looked at what they did with it and made a few simple things......
i can't seem to get my xbox to let me use the oancam or when i could use it , speed up.....
2012 is the day that a large storm destroyes the world!!!
sup, welcome to foreghub. sweet that your freinds call you R3im1nAtoR. mt freinds somtimes call me Mav. but thats about it.....
i know we shouldn't. If not here there are others, quagmire...... this isn't new to halo, but is currently the only one up and running. i could...
i dislike the DS in so many ways, but i do have to agree that this is a step twords every true gamers ultimate goal: to play in a VR game!
i usualy don't save my maps when i have freinds over to play around in forge..... but in your case i'd just say change game types or use Fish...
if you think this looks dumb, you your self are dumb. there is tons and tons of days put into this. i liked the part in where the lady draws the...
i say this to people all of the time, you can't judge a map by it's looks. it has to play nice and be fun with the whole group.
i agree yeti, halo can use imorovment, but you've got to think halo came out as one of the earliest games (good games) for the Xbox360.
CORRECTION every elite in SWAT.
welcome, we here at forgehub accept anyone into our comunity: racists, pedies., geniuses, and cons as well (that ones for you).
looks amasing! i like the symetry this map has to's differant than most other maps.
i hate that every elite uses asthetic
sup z.cow
didn't you see the ones he had merged into the floor in the begining of the video???
i use my icon.
nice find, even though it was already found i've never heard of this method of geo merging.thanks, i'll be using this for a new map.
i think you should only replace one rocket launcher with another weapon (an assaukt rifle, a pistol, an SMG, ETC) good map down loading soon.