i am making a contest, to get a new vehicle. no i don't want modders, i want you!, the average forger (preferably the best forgers) to make me a...
i double that, even though i posted, i think that we made the point of being careful of posting stupid things.
sup, you should try and use complex mechanics for your H.W maps, i'l tell you a few later. -Mav.
i think you should have a group of well trusted people test the halo warrior maps when you make them, so they won't tell others how to beat them....
i think that this is verry nicley done, but as others have said you need to smooth out the blocks and move the sniper in twords the group more. i...
i see people posting "sweet" over and over again to up posts, but somtimes i do post my opinion and i don't have much to say to the person, but...
i'll be trying a new idea i had while i was sleeping last night. i will need dozens of forgers to try this (i'll be making this a contest.) i want...
i made those turrets there when i was showibng that you couldn't realy use the wall slits as bunker walls and shoot out of them with a turret at...
i just need to fix a few things on the Drop Pod map. first off your name, and secondly the platform is all crooked. also i need to add some more...
great luck with you're forging! BTW a smoothly geo-merged/reg.merged map is what the public wantsx now adays (unless you discover somthing...
if you didn't know about the other guides you're blind, they're everywhere! adn therer are dozens of ways to geomerge.
sucks to be him......
i'd wear it because i like the helm. i like the rest of it too but i like the helm the most and it'll probably replace my security. i wish they'd...
finnished with the map. BTW for these next three stages (since you haven't chosen a second yet.) you should make a contest to see whoms is the...
i put the drop pod map in to my file share.
looks sweet ASC.i like how the AI and words are just barely showing up so you can see everything.
i wish that you could set the shields to always be half of their usual amounts.
i do say that i'd like to play/ test maps but as of three months ago i was having, eh, difficulties with my B.net profile, so i can't DL maps. i...
welcome to FH. hope to see you make some great maps while you're here (like Utah Mambo)
i've got a few to get into the trees around guardian. i'll put up pics later.