ASC671 and i are currently working on our own Drop Pod maps. i made a platform under the sky bubble so that you could get as much elevation as...
The map looked sweet.
WTF???? what are you talking about???
the second choice....
i made a Drop pod map and i'll put it in my file share for a while. the platform in the sky kinda has a sucky floor but it is a beta so ill work...
hey i have an idea for the drop pods, if you make the player on the back of the mongoose have a G-hammer then he could hit it when you're about to...
i use it alot on SANDTARP to get the banshees adn the enemie's left over vehicles for my team, lol.
i don't think it does, but i'm going to try and do somthing about that this weekend. Also: i know that you need a ton of tin cups, but do you...
i'd like the prowler even more if it moved a little bit faster.....
lol, Halo's a ring on your head.
i had a prowler stick when it was almost all the way upside down..... i'll be working on some tonight if anyone cares to join me.GT:Mavrick145...
What are you talking about