I made a large pre-made base on the side of a cliff that went out a little too far.
What is this unannounced armor effect?
Mathew said he only had to beat two campaign missions but as soon as he said that he got off.
Orange. Me, you, jared, and mathew Reach Campaign on Legendary soon.
I SAID A DIRTY WORD. I was lazy, so I didn't censor. Orange, what's that one movie you told me to watch?
Firefight matchmaking is laggy as **** unless you're host.
Let's do this.
Do you have a plan here?
pew pew pew?
Chief's voice sounds extremely sexy. I want.
I couldn't go at midnight like some of you lucky bastards but I will get it today, and there are no questions asked.
I have to take the SATs because AVID is a communist organization set up by the school board which in fact are commies, but I would have to take...
Every time I see a Reach commercial I cry a little.
I see nuthin.
Damn you American censorship laws. I called GameStop and here is what happened... Me: "Hey, I want to come and pick up Reach but I'm only 16 and...
So, I'm calling GameStop to see if they would let a valuable high paying 16-year-old pick up Reach at 12am.
Well, I'm 16 so I could get pulled over, on my bike. I'd also like to know how fast the average cyclist can travel because google said I could go...
So, is an hour long walk to GameStop worth it and on the way back I have to cary a 20lb box an hour back.
Lol, Benji fail.