I'll become an admin because I have superior admin skills.
Hey guys, I need some more help. I need to find the position at 1s, velocity at 6s, and position at 6s with this: [IMG]
Same and my math teacher barely lets us use it and I'm in pre-calc.
I guess so.
I should buy some crazy super calculator for home use because my math teacher doesn't want us to use one.
Ya, I take notes in all of my classes that require to take notes. I missed a few days and missed some notes and I didn't wanna copy a whole bunch...
Ya and my teacher talks really fast and doesn't really explain things well.
I have a D in pre-calc. It suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks.
Then let's make a time machine and I'll ask you the question a year ago.
Hey guys, can I get some help? [IMG]
Hey, some people here might be offended by your use of the Lord's name in vain.
Got it.
Relevant Topic: Who likes pasta?
3600 second bump.
That guy failed.
I like mangoes.
Glasgow grape.
Applicable applications.
Clogging it.
Let's all make a giant toilet.