Standardized testing is bull.
I got a book with practice questions.
Zero, I added you. Also Tuber, I don't care about those diamonds. I have no idea how they got there.
School does suck bro and although I have been off for 2 weeks I have to take my PSAT tmrw at 8 and have not studied. I don't care how I do, I'll...
That is true. I did feel like forgiving you and when you were on you tried to spawn lava 20 times and it showed the message you get on the server...
Where do I go to do that? I'm using MCAdmin.
Jay, I have to believe you griefed my house, so I banned you. I don't care. Anyways, I think I'll have to create a whitelist to prevent other...
I just applied to Toys R Us.
I made one, works well.
I got the XXL Chalupa from Taco Bell. It is very XXL.
I'm using MCAdmin and it's working just fine. Only OP+ can spawn items and the illegal block spawns work just fine. No one that has joined yet has...
Must have been more of a dog person.
HULK SMASH!!!! /nocaps
Hey guys, just started it up: I downloaded MCAdmin and need to figure out the commands and spawns.
+<3 Both movies are awesome. Also watch heat Randle, slow but action and if you haven't seen Shawshank Redemption do so.
No thanks bro. I had a good metroid sig stock but I lost it.
Minecraft is funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.
Do you have like 4002 pages now then?
Oh shi- man. But in all seriously it was actually me and misch at the same time. It said we both had 20k ON THE FIRST POST before someone cheated.
Misch you cheater.