If you want the updates keep an eye on when they will come out on the development blog and then re-install the .exe and you will have the updates...
Your eyes are a normal distance apart.
Alright, thanks.
A 0 minute bump?
Added you. There is no more spare TNT lying around anymore and trust me you CANNOT spawn items.
The whitelist resets every time that I stop the server so I had to put the names back in.
Hey guys. The server is up. Play on it my computer isn't lagging anymore so I can start it up.
Really? It's not like the boogeymen don't exist and all they want to do is talk to you via a mystical $5 board from Wal-Mart.
What about teh wimenz? They make you the sammiches.
The cactus damaged my wing glands so I could only grow one so I have to shave my back left leg every day so I don't start flying in circles.
No Tuber, I was 6, I couldn't have wings yet.
There was a cactus on my back leg once. I'm not gonna do that again.
It's cold compared 120.
Srs face? It gets to like the 40's and 50's in december.
I just get cold.
Will do bro. I think I realized why my computer was lagging. I might start the server back up today if I feel like it.
Living is standardized.
Anyone who wanted to be on my server or already was, I am shutting it down for today to cool down my computer.