No, they're not silly they're damn with their crazy timezones that let them have Reach and many b&d games.
Yes, but they cannot guarantee you a copy of limited or legendary edition.
Dudes, lasagna.
Poasty toasty.
Screw it. This is a no? This one you can color.
It's the light, I just figured it out and that one kinda has bad quality. This is difficult. What about this?
I'll find less light. This good?
Just in case it wasn't clear... [IMG] Make it say Klaydude or Friends are Forever.
Sure, I want a sig with latias and latios so I'll need to find one. EDIT: Found
QKT, sorry if I sound like an impatient newb but have you completed my sig? --- THIS Add or subtract appropriate time.
8 hours 56 minutes
17 hours, 48 minutes.
34 hours to go...
Madcat made this: [IMG] Disguises: [IMG]
Anyone else heard of these yet? [IMG]
Are you guys gonna hold hands now?
Just in case you didn't notice you can log into and then download the .exe.
Your own ice-skating rink.