Gun Runners is SE of Freeside East Entrance. They sell full CND weapons that can be very expensive. They sell a lot of types of ammo and they...
Me and Orange are gonna play Fallout IRL this weekend.
The campaign is awesome and its concept is strange. It's very linear but there are also areas in which you should explore for E99 (used for...
The update does have issues as I had stated before. It won't effect gameplay that much but if you want it to run very clean then clear up some...
I think I'll beat the game first so I don't mess up any quests. This sounds like it would be easy if it were just for travelers or small camps....
I have some Top Ramen.
The game does lag and freeze. It takes a very long time to load if you're fast traveling and it could possibly freeze while loading. I only had...
Leave it to Orange to mess up anything.
Right now I'm level 13. I have A LOT of quests that I can currently complete on my Pip-Boy. I'm working on Still in the Dark for the Brotherhood...
This girl fell asleep in my history class so when the bell rang we left her there.
Guise. 41169
Schoooooooooooool. UGH. EPIC. All of the new things are awesome but the game seems to have gotten a little complex.
I've been playing Fallout: New Vegas for 8 hours straight.
Guys, I just bought Pokemon Red.
I have also seen and it looks very nice but you hunt birds with a shotgun unless that was an ostrich.
Oh no sir, I am the sex-ay-est.
Hey guys, let's get to know eachother. Post name, age, and whatever else you want. Mitchell 16 Enjoys pie and some good old nostalgia.
The Metroids were awesome but I didn't really like the plot of Metroid: Other M. I think it was places before Metroid Fusion and you learn about...
Guys, Fallout: New Vegas tomorrow. I already have it pre-paid so my mom is gonna go get it for me as soon as GameStop opens.