It's safe to vote now that there's 70 voters. Some **** messed it up.
*Cough* Doesn't fix the problem *Cough*
There shouldn't be another Forge World, in any Halo. It caused too many frame-rate problems, much worse than Sandbox could ever hope to do. I'd...
If you were the manager at 343/Bungie, you'd be fired right away. A smart manager doesn't make decisions that quickly. You didn't read my entire...
I disagree with around 85% of the object listings. They would only delay the release and wouldn't have much use in a real map. I also disagree...
The map lacks cover, a little bit too much, and it should either be walled off or put in a more natural area to avoid frame-rate issues. Also,...
This thread is a direct copy of another thread from the Major League Gaming Forums. No changes have been made. The original thread can be found...
I played it in customs. It may or may not have been released.
I didn't notice any major changes. Was it that intense? I thought it played very well either way. Also, Haze for next feature.
You have screenshots of an older version. The natural pieces are gone from the bases in the new version, being replaced by blocks. This has to be...
If you were planning on trolling me, you should have done so earlier. I already made my point and will probably not make another post in this...
There wasn't really any problems with the core gameplay other than the fact that the sniper made movement to the bottom far too uncommon. Not the...
Rendition Haze Cladite
The creator of Roundabout is connected with the GodlyPerfection guys. This one is just another random supporting a map he has not played. If he...
There wasn't much convincing you to go to the bottom level. I think it would be a good idea to have a sniper somewhere at the bottom level. It's...
I don't enjoy Infection. Balanced or not, I'm going to hate it. The map might be good by Infection standards, but by any other standards, it's...
You're basing your entire opinion of a map off of aesthetics? How did you ever get into the Review Hub? Good job on the map, A3LG. Definitely one...
You're probably right. OT: I voted good, because I've seen similarly designed maps before. Though Rorak did better using this design, I would...
Roundabout is not an MLG map. You have played it, correct? Of Legions was terrible, though. I don't get what people like about that one. Well, in...
I think Reflex Ion is saying that RK voted Not My Style on his own map, and he also voted it so that he would not be the only one to have voted...