I hate to have to say this to you after you've gotten this far on the map, but that's a 2, not an S. Bet you wish this game had a flip feature...
Forza 3 made Grand Turismo obsolete, IMO. Forza 4 is not going to have much competition. If it weren't an exclusive, Grand Turismo would not sell.
Yes. Maybe it's more of a personal preference thing, but I did not understand how anyone could like that game. It's different, and not in a good...
Did MLG decide to make HQ free? Did they decide to up their a-hole level and make you pay money to watch the stream in SD? Also, I just realized...
I want to slap you. Not because I dislike you as a person, but because you play Psychonauts. Pretty sure you're the last person ever to play that...
He said 'lesser-known' games. Meaning games that are not known by every single person or in Tomb Raider's case, hated by every single person.
If this map is as good as you say, submit it to the Review Hub. Your map will get noticed more that way, especially if it receives a good rating.
Not too impressed with the design of this version. It's off-scale, the environment and object use isn't great, and it overall feels lazily forged....
Nexuiz, Quake Arena Arcade, Quake Live, Deus Ex, Star Wars: Jedi Knight, Star Wars: Republic Commando, Combat Arms... Well, that's all I can think...
The bottom level is too annoying to walk on. The first picture is a perfect example of why this is. Having to make a jump for the sniper is also a...
These guys weren't very good at the game. There is no aim assist, but you can see that it only takes a few shots to kill someone. It definitely...
The controller works very well for Quake-style games. Most players are just so used to relying on aim assist that they don't know what to do when...
I'm going to laugh my ass off if it says that he used Halo to plan these attacks. This guy is only trying to piss us off. It's very unlikely that...
So yes, as the title says, there is a new game coming to XBLA, PSN, and PC. This game is in a style similar to Quake and Unreal Tournament, and it...
My controller is currently broken, so I can't possibly play the map. Also, it's not a good idea picking up randoms from matchmaking. Most of them...
What's with all these Quake-inspired maps recently? There was only one (Kirus) last time I asked. I've been waiting for people to take inspiration...
First off, you're building in the Coliseum. This should only be done as last resort to avoid frame-rate issues from a map you've already started,...
Very poor map design here. This looks like something from a playlist from back during the Forgetacular contest called Community Slayer. That's not...
I thought this map was above average by MLG standards. Not too many negative things to say about it, but not too many positive things either. This...
Map is fairly off-scale and the object usage isn't great. Good or bad, remaking this map was pointless, as Salot (original creator of Onslaught)...