Well, since I specifically said that the game I'm speaking of would not be Quake, that answer is a no. The reason for this is because 1. I've...
Minus the internet connection part, a game can get very close to being purely skill. The PC spec difference problem is the main reason why I play...
Not a problem. Practice your aim or use an automatic weapon. And people like you who "can't aim" is the reason why there needs to be a...
You clearly haven't read my post. If you have, read it again.
And this is why there will never be a Halo as good as the first. Because Bungie listens to people like you, who want exploits and luck so that...
I'm getting tired of having to play games where bad players gain an edge because they're missing all their shots and pacing, while I'm hitting all...
I got banned from the MLG forums back in 2006. I'm a lurker now. And yes, you have me on your friends list.
I never imagined anyone would do this but I'm glad someone did. The gravity on Anchor 9 is, in my opinion, a huge problem in the map, and since it...
You won't be bothered by the struts in game. Personally, I think it gives a unique feel to this map. Having played 2 games on this map, I have...
There are people who haven't played Headlong? I must hunt them down and force them to download this. I normally hate BTB maps, but I was truly...
This isn't really meant to revive the thread again. I don't think that's even possible. It's more of a 1-day thing where we all post something in...
Dockside by Zombievillan Cataract by Seven oh Three, Waldo the Lemon, and Hikaru X Metropolis by MockKnizzle Yes. I nominated a BTB map, so you...
On October 1, 2010, we should all post in Gunnergrunt's Vanilla thread, marking the map's 1-year anniversary. The map still remains the most...
There are many maps with the exact concept you described. Finding the same one you played would be extremely difficult with what little...
I'm just going to stay out of the BTB playlist until the Headlong and Timberland remakes get in. I'm sure I'm not alone on this one.
How are you not a known forger yet? These maps look amazing. I'd even say this is on the level of Longshot or Noxiw. Send me an invite if you'd...
Not sure about any specific servers. I tend to stick with LAN when it comes to PC games.
It takes 10 minutes to join a game because it isn't the most populous game around, and your computer may not be very fast. As for the second one,...
Remove all BTB maps from the playlist. Add in the recent FHF winner Zanzibar remake, Jambo's remakes of Containment and Headlong, The Trivial...
You committed suicide?