lol with my friend I made an interlocked merr-go-round. rat's what we called it. Basically it was walled in with a bunch of mancannons shooting...
i have no idea what to say, just a question to ask. when does the update finsih, and whats it doing?
Hey at least your spread offense works, look at Michigan.
Oh I noied, but I was din the Trojans thii year. Ol mis played good, but I thiikn Florida was looking to the week ahead, it happens all the time....
oh lord haha it was awesome. Michigan beats numnber nine, crimson tide looked awesome, and the Gators went down. I loved it
i just fixed the thread
Was this map ever posted, or is it hot out the oven? I downloaded like I do with most featured maps and I was the twenty first and was all like...
Oh really? Well congrats.
When did this come out, and how the hell did I miss it. Wait 19 hours ago, is that like 3 in the morning, or 4 in the afternoon? Anyway like...
im gonna finish my homework then go play now . i wanna see anvil. so i can have something else to ***** about
it looks like a shark. in the water? WHERE!
Heyy guess what? Wheres that shark!
This is just an assumption, because i've never done it. But I'm assuming you need to geomerge through the walls that lead to the back hallway...
I'm just wondering, are the spawn points messed because theres no respawn areas? Because if so its an easy fix.
This looks very nice. I found myself stairing at the center structures fence walls. They are perfect and the design they form adds to the maps...
When did you become loyal lol?
This is really cool how exactly do you get colors like that? 5/5
Maybe what he means is; No offense to anyone, a new map hasnt been featured in a while, and by i while I mean a week. Give or take. So i think we...
Yeah my best friend is diggin Florida and he gives me all this **** about michigan. Bu I always bring up the capital one bowl last year
whoa, i r the best at this I guess, I was like 6 when it first came out, played it Er' day. Red... -LVL 100 Gengar. -LVL 100 Alakazam. -LVL 93...