We need a couple more people. Dont be afraid to ask.
I hold it with two fingers and press up and down at fast parts. Trust me, I'm filthy at this game. I have the expert achievement.
You just can't have 2 maps featured.
So after speaking with a few of the premium members I came up with the idea to gather some of the best non-premiums to create a map using the same...
Really? The whole floor is geomerged super low like that? Thats got to be one of the most impressive things I've ever seen. I'm hoping to see a...
ha well i neveer tried. i just saved to imageshack and uploaded.
ha i was just too lazy, but i was the only one on team 2 without one so i was like ight whatever.
yeah dog lol
maybe more poeple will offer if you post a pic of the map so thye know what they're doing
wow so hes just a natural then eh? Whats his name?
Jeeze. So he's just like a natural athelete? That's awesome. Name?
Rly? is he filthy loaded
Needs moar inerlocking...How mad would you be? Dude the map is awesome. what I love about it and all the maps you make are the unique structures...
Oh. I'm really into baseball but I don't get to go to many games. I live in the Boston area so its real expensive to get seats. Love the sox...
Itss ctally a pretty unique map, I love the concept. I doesnt look like a map that runs bumpy and ity as some cool aesthenics. I know people...
Same here. You play baseball; or at least watch it?
Whats up, brah?
Not endless nameless, I dun't even know who that is. Like it said yom will be a mod, which is why I love him. Even though he got over that...
map looks good, clean interlocking. I see a resemblance to some famous maps, which means they in spire you which is a good thing. I like the...
IDK how MLG it is, but it looks awesome bro. your interlocking is sweet and geomerging is just as good. An overview shot would help us with the...