So what does that mean? No interlocking, random floating object, terrible hill placement? Interrobanfg is getting b-fav though right Thats a...
don't mind Decatur Hes a little *****. He posted here claiming he made a map that was made by moderators here five months after it was posted....
Oh god lol. i'm always an asswhole before games because I usually play in big parties so I get some funny stuff. One kid called me yellow...?...
Tex and Shadow Viper; I expected better out of you. I would hhnk a moderator would know better then to steal maps. I believe you Decatur....
Sweeney I think we should block off. going inside there could probably lead to camping, so I would suggest some one geomerge a fence wall in...
Hey Friction. when you find this *****. show me.
Whoa, guess what. This is really good. Thats what. It's a nice aesthenic map, the river is overused but I really like yours. Ine problem...
Hey Vorpal... post a damn picture lol. I'm curious
Ha I know. I'm trying I'm also replacing american10 with christopherbrn but I cant seem to spell his name right so I'm just waitin til i see them...
Oh. Happened to me then I got rrod. good luck. Jk but it didn't let me to sign into xbox live then the whole damn console wouldn't turn on....
A geomerged crookedy double box with two walls sticking out at stairs. **** I shouldn't have said that.
lol sorry guys =( But we have 17 poeple and each person gets to do their own part. We only get about 30 dollars each, and thats not much. This...
hey so you remember that firts map we made when we were judt getting used tyo how each other forged? with like the geomerged fence box's with the...
Okay bro, Vorpal is getting us started. But you're right I'm just gonna auto assign them.
Ha oh. It's pretty annoying, its just like not turning on.
Why in the hell are you guys fighting over this. Picetta shouldn't have to defend his own map. If you've seen his other maps he is good at...
I can't. I'm in my bedroom in the attic and my computer is on like the other side on the second floor lol. I'm pretty well off, it doesn't reach...
Can't get my wireless adaptor in the back of my xbox to turn on. It's just grey. Help!
lol so we have half of brokenblaze production =)
Ah, Thank you Silence. See, friendly competition.