I know you said no video games, but Guitar Hero World Tour would be fun to have. Uhm maybe a new phone or iPod if you need something else....
The group provate chats are the biggest improvements to me. One question I have is whats gonna happen to my Megaman9 theme? It makes me so happy...
Gow2 without a doubt. Online multiplayer is the best out of anygame, campaign in epic. Oh and horde mode is absolutely insane. Gears2 is one of...
Really really? That would be absolutely insane.
Does anyone wanna play some online with me right now? My friends list got deleted and the people I still have aren't online. So anybody here wanna...
Gears is just better overall. FarCry isn't my type of game. but everything about Gears is more rewarding. there isn't a cooler thing in a game...
Most of these made me lol. They are all really good, nince job.
Security is only goof for horde because it's the easiest. I joined my friends game on level 44 and finished it up with them and we didn't fail...
Happy birthday.
Ruins is so much fun to me. I love close combat, and sniping in that level is a challenge and then some. My friends and i are at level 30 on...
Yes you can play with a guest in Gears2. Just go to the main meenu and have your guest press Y and it will go to the profile select screen.
They both are amazing games honestly. Gears 2 has so much hype to live up too and i think they just about did. The matchmaking system seems...
Rofl. All of my friends are noobs so i play a lot of horde and it is pretty intense on Ruins. I like online more though, I'm really good; like I...
Play with me when you get it bro. I'm honestly really good my killdeath ratio is over two after like 12 games.
roflroflrofl Fable2<Cod5<Gears2
Well at first whe i viewed this i thought it was a little nooby with tripods; but the more I looked the more I noticed how well made everything...
Lawful i have no idea, I've just been playing with some of my friends. I finally remembered why I love Gears so much more then Call of duty and...
yeah send me a friend request because your name is too hard lol GOW2= omfg
"YEAH GET HIM SAVAGE" Fist pump hahahahaha
They were all solid reviews. Pinky swear guys. What would inspire us to bullshit people anyway?