i heard somewhere hat longshore was headlong also in the pic i dont know if its the angle but it appears if the grav lift was taken out and also...
looks good just needs to be straightened up a little good design
last pic take out ramp it will get in the way more then it will help and ou can still walk on bridgge but honestly remaking this map was pointless
does kinda remind me of lockout looks nice looks like yo put some time into it
dont the soccer balls come up if touched looks good though i dl it so ill tell you what i think later from what i can see though everything looks...
nice sig sorry to add to all the comments its just the best sig ive seen
does look like smashed this is probably bettter though might have to many fusioncoils though
only suggestion take out the armoury
there trying to make the release dates the same for xbox and ps3 looks amazing though if you like turn based games you should try the rest to the...
plz more pics but i can tell you this isnt going o be very accurate because the crypt is to small to do this maps remake
im gonna be honest to many power weapons in a map where theres almost nothing to play on i can see where you got ur lockout influence but you did...
this is one of tge better pyramid map
wow good job shows how a good lay out could be ruined if not made right im glad you fixed these problems to bad ill still probably get m nades...
yea i know someone who got rrod on a new xbox when they claimed they fixed it
damn that was what i was looking forward to
wow insane looking good my friend like all the hills and drops amazing
i was actually trying to make an assault gametype based off the mako reactors with a map on sandbox goodluck on your project though sounds intresting
yea xiii looks amazinger then **** so i hope it is
what did you use to make the bars in the jail like thing looks good
lefty it only looks messy i can tell thought was put to where everythimg is and i see good interlocking theres only a couple things that make it...