yea i have seen some good maps that get no attention while half the maps on bungie favorites suck sometimes theres good ones disstortion was on...
amzing once i clear some space ill dl maybe you should make a thread for people to post there scores on i used to love this game i had a redone...
you know theres testers here that can help you test also this does look good for small ffas and looks big enoough for some one sided games and...
first dont use white text second yourpics are broke go to haloscreenshos and copy the link
pib noone can read your post and about the map maybe add some aethetics more people will dl that way it also seems small and it looks easy to fall...
obama should make that a law lol
yea i agree though sometimes art style will effect my view and aslo for example anime has its own unique art style and from what ive een simmilar...
if you can add something to stop players from falling off that could be an issue
like i ssaid before halo and final fantasys stories are two different things i personally dont care about halos story i just play it for fun but...
maybe put some stuff outsyde maybe make an imovable tank or laser or something to defend against the hornet
looks nice i like it when people use the tubes well only problem i can see is that los might be a problem because you can see from one side to the...
has someone heard of interlocking and also whats the game that goes with it and how does it work its hard to understand anything from what youve...
so after the first round someone in the crypt will be the golfer right and the original golfer will then be in the crypt right i kinda get how it...
looks intesting also i like how you used the height of sandbox it looks taller then most ive seen also i dont think spwan traps would be an issue...
i think halo and ff stories are two different stories for different people halo is more action and always something happening while final fantasy...
i have to disagree with x not having a good story line and agree with the rest ffxiii looks like a new gamrplay system like xii but i hope they...
i have terrible vision and i can see it fine this actually looks good not sure about the hornets but ill check it out i also liike how you made...
how many have you played ive only played iii,iv,vii,viii,x,xii and crstal chronicles
so ut telling me that this small unoriginal rectangle is perfectly designed yet theres very little elevation change and only about two routes and...
is there anything around it