well if he tires to post tem here everyone will recognize there not his and here is one of the few ways to be nown as a good forger noone will dl...
just go up ther in theater or pan cam glich this really isnt anything new or useful just a more complicated way of doing something simple
ive tries ths with the doors on foundry very inconsistent and bad quality on foundry anyways but woldnt this just be interlocking
looks good nice design looks like it would play well to looks like a good size for 4v4
maybe you should consider the same thing you obviously dont know what your talking about both creativity and hardware are able to make break...
dumbass mario is nintendo it would never be made on the 360 because 1. its nintendos game 2. one of the main features is wii's motion control...
sounds good i hope they add some units because it was lacking in units compared to other rts
if you would have paid attention to the previous posts dumbass you would have realised that i was talking to other people and that in my previous...
what no who necro/bumped posted damnit
well if it doesnt matter to you quit spaming and talk about your worthless problem elsewhere anyway how do you play is it like final fantasy o...
wait can this be any game
ok let me reword what was bad about fallout 3 i understand its realistic for enemies to be concentrated in cetain areas but makes it very tedious...
the world ends with you a square enix game made last year for the ds
i hope they redo the combat it ruined the game in my oppinion the enemies were either to scattered or to concentrated you could wander around for...
BIG you were there when i was testing this it has a small effect on both and increases as you add more and epic youre probably right and that...
so far ive only been able to drive a prowler and wraith on a verticle wall and its difficult to move on it ill look for other uses though and im...
welll ypu can also increase there magnetic power by adding more for example one will almost hold a scorpion in place but two will stop it from...
ill take taht into consideration v2 maybe i did say slayer i didnt really think it would work with anything else ill try adding objectives thanks
thats what ithought ill start working on it i guess maybe a tin cup mancannon combo
this was my first snadbox map i thought id post it on here plays well with slayer with 2-6 people download- Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details pics...