odst has no multiplayer is an halo 3 expansion there will be new multiplayer maps and campaign the campaign will have no mc but multiplayer...
if your gonna make a map like this make it organized noone wants to search through andom items to find what they want
sorry i really never paid attention in english and dont type very well i know some grammar just dont se it well anyway we all die sometime
yea cause when you play a map youjust sit there and say oh this looks nice its not a meuseum anyway layout looks good only problem is the power...
people will always serch for answer to what happens after death the want te security of after life right or wrong people will always want the...
if all hmans die i will be because of our own ignorance and stupidity or if we decide to change the sun ill eventually engulf the earth maybe well...
remove killballs and rename i dont know how to spell seismic but i dont thik you spelles right either looks like the past three racetracks ive...
sounds good never got to play it but heard its ood mayb e ill get a chance
place a shotgun behind a teleporter wall so when they go to grab it hey are teleported to their death
i see sevral cons and pros of this pro could help economy less peple would go to jail for drug related crimes making it legal there would probably...
if you go to gamestop.com it says its 60 so that might be why some are confused but yea it looks like theres some good games coming out mostly...
if its not finished dont post it
**** im starting to feel like i got the flu hope it's not the **** there talking aboout in there i read somewher that there was a possible case of...
holy **** thats alot of weapons imagine multiplayer on it
omg amazing you randomly placed tin cups over half the map and attached golfbballs the idea is very unoriginal but lets talk about how it would...
like yours is you offer no feedback to the maker at all your post is spam aswell now about the map this would be an unfair game because one side...
yea theres a small groupof people that believe those things and send em to everyone else or their just being annoying
thr gameplay part might just be that i suck but i really wasnt a fan of the little bit of the story i saw wasnt enough to keep me in it and its...
i see you like mettallica lol well doesnt look like theres muvh to the map but this mght be one of those custom games you play with your friends...
the original center structure you were able to shoot out of it maybe geomerge the doorways so that its posible here to otherwiase very nice...