This looks nice not your typical avalnche map since most are made floating. I do feel there are a few to many weaponsfrom what isee though i have...
there will always be war, theres always going to be a counry tha religously believes another nation should not exist or simply led by a maad man...
^^^ wait what hes 14 and 5ft 9 almost hes probably reached puberty already and is that true could someonelse confirm that
just one question how would you get it to be sold or noticed or anything do you work for a company or is it just a small group project because i...
more lives on both sides would have ben lost if the bombs were not dropped japan would have taken much longer to surrender. Also the cities they...
its not flu season they expect it to make a come back this flu season and its still an issue some places
customized equipment its always a positive when you can customise yourstuff and i like the you need a different horseman power for each bosst...
i hate the original kingdom hearts but like 2 that first one pisses me off i cant find my way around everythings a random maze also the new...
no i hope they give you a choice or something because i like the old system alot more than the new system it does like like a mixy between games...
this isnt what halowarsneeds it needs more units everytimi play i feel so limited to what i can make
prince of persia very few fights and you cant die making it to easy and if you dont know what do you just ask your partner its to easy and...
so if i gointo a store and buy it will it come with the extra campaign or only the maps cause it would be alot cheeper that wa since i think it...
iI was planning on crysis and a few others, I dont know much about computers but i know that crysis is one of the games with higher requirements....
I play anything usually rpgs,shooters but i also enjoy other genres to. The pc i have right now is for office use so not much good when you want...
If someone could give me some information about the best parts aand whatever to use for a gaming pc thanks. Also f anyone could suggest a type of...
ive never playd this before cansomeone tell me what you do in it and how mch it costs monthly thanks
no it isnt theres only one h2 map that would fit in the crypt and the est woldnt be able to go into the main area the crypt is probably 1/3 of...
let me the first to say terrible why because the crypt does not offer enough room for an even close remake the size has alot to do with gameplay...
lets sart with what you did good wait maybe tha wasnt a good idea there is no neeed to say how bad this is your pics explain it
thou shalt charge four enemies by thine lonesome then thou shalt bich about opposition teaming you during team slayer thou shall claim all lag is...