Maybe ill try it i love map editors
You should read the rules when you join. go to haloscreenshots they have all the screenshots youve ever taken there just give em your gt and copy...
yeah no email verification
Are they one of those screemo bands cause i think ive heard them before if they are there are quite a few just give youtube or something the genre...
Fishing im gonna be doing alot of fishing this summer and ill be going down to south carolina and fish there to.
Looks like a good race map reminds me of the ones you see in amusement parks. Im also glad you did something original as most race maps are made...
I'm sorry but what is cube2?
take out some of the explosives and fire bomb grenades. Overall this map is to open and not much intreseting to many explosives for good gameplay....
i hope so this game looks good i never really played the first game though. Maybe there could be one leader who can communicate with everyone so...
doesnt sound like this game is very well liked.
Uh i can't read half of your post can you please be considerate of oldschool users and part of it i could read said plasma pistol kills in four...
i did read and do follow the rules certain moderators go out of their way to find an reason to give infractions sometimes i do break the rukes...
ove already been banned
Have you ever done something simmilar or made any flash games or something like that and if so could you possibly show us.
Wl diablo religon still causes people to support the war effort a government cant have a successful war witout the support of the people and i was...
i dont think this is conquest conquest is a 1 way thing
yea most people try to steal well known maps that everyone here already knows sometimes not not very intelligent thieves
wrong section this belongs in forge disussion either repost i there or ask for it to be moved
we do need a better forge map i want something where i can make something on the scale of bloodgulch
whats your band called also valve is a good company they made half life and left 4 dead right