I think c5c broke the competition rules... View this thread - http://www.forgehub.com/forum/graphics-arts/65221-mario-sig-faux-shaux.html
Um, okay you just contradicted the whole no name thing of your point... If they don't want names, they don't want people to know who made what so...
I like how the monitors are puzzled by the radio, until it starts working and the guy (Dr.Willy?) destroys it.
You know you can't use this now, right? It's supposed to be a blind judging and you just put it out for the world to see, which pretty much...
Honestly, I lost a lot of respect for a few people just reading this thread... @Rek I say you ask a mod to delete this shop, and start a new...
You can post the stock with your sections if you want. Don't worry I'll hammer out some rules when I hand out the sections.
It's supposed to be something completely new, and it can be whatever you want. Just go crazy, it's a blank canvas.
Yeah I already figured all that, I'm just waiting for anymore late entries.
I don't know, I probably won't organize it though. This was just supposed to be a small project until a larger one can be decided upon. I just...
Updated OP Changed sign up deadline Made Ice's stock the one we will be using Deleted out all other stocks The sections should hopefully be...
Or it could be used as a CD cover...
I remember you from yesterday in AZN's party.
Why would you message them? Seriously, do think they'll give you Recon? No. They'll either ignore you, laugh at you, or kindly explain to it...
He plays bass
I chose showcase, but if your going to give people a custom title it should be a longer length of time between them than 4 weeks. If they just...
Thanks, I just envy your traveling. Everyone says I take pretty good pictures, and I'm surprised since I just started about a month ago.
I've already told how I like your sound. It has screaming ( I don't like screaming personally) but it's not so prominent that I just hate it. I...
I hate you two, with your being able to go places so you can get better shots. I have to hop fences and take pictures of fields. I mean seriously...
What did I do there? EDIT- I updated the OP with list of participating members
Yeah, I meant sign ups. I'm probably going to pull it back a week, just so we can get this underway.