Right now I think you have all the ideas you need. It basically just needs to be out together.
That's like when your praying and a little kid tells on someone else because they had their eyes open... Anyways, I think if your want to add...
Hmmm... A surrealist look would look cool. If you wanted to make some sort of environmental statement, you could make all the natural stuff look...
Well his post was after mine :P But yeah, I like his idea a lot. Though, I think there should be at lest one penguin roaming around... I just...
There's no real feel of perspective, so it's hard to tell you how to fill that blank space. Maybe make the peaks extend farther down? You could...
Yeah, that was totally called for...
Make the sky portion larger, and pull down the mountains. That was you have less of a white space to work with.
I'll you for two unless we can't get anymore people to take some.
Add some cartoony polar bears and/or penguins to the blank space. That's the first thing I see that could go there, because I'm sure what you...
Added list of people taking a cutoff panel. Added Zerosun to Participating Members. @Sam - Do you want to take more than one panel? Because we...
One more day before registration closes. I'm going to start rendering the sections and passing them out. I need some volunteers to do a couple...
My vote goes to number 5. It preserves the quality of the picture, you can still see the texture on the person and everything, and has some...
I personally like the border, not too flashy, not too plain. The is really good too, it's simple yet excellently executed. You really made the...
Thanks, no really said anything about it when I posted the CnC thread, so I'm glad someone likes it.
Who's? Mine? If it is then thank you
It's was more at Mace because he's not even taking any of this seriously...
Lol, yes twas a kind comment. I was impressed by what you did before, but then seeing how different it was from the stock I was more impressed.
Is anyone else more impressed now that you've seen the stock?
Can you two lay off? Seriously, this is getting pretty ridiculous. Let him do his thing, and stop giving him so much disrespect.
Everything looks very realistic, but then the visor looks like a gradient effect and completely out of place. The rest is grungy, but then the...