this was mostly just a practice in clone stamping (which I think I did a decent job of) Stock [IMG] did some blurring and sharpening stuff, a...
Shaft V1 [IMG] Stock [IMG]
I second that motion
I'd do it if there was something to work off of, like a description, some guidelines, a genre, anything really.
I use Photoshop, so I'm not sure, but if it's there it's probably called Text Warp or something along those lines.
Actually, I like V1. It looks more natural, the second one is teal and green.
Stop arguing, bantering, bickering, whatever you want to call it. Just, stop. I'm never here anymore, but when I go to the GnA section I always...
I meant about Hells, lol
I suppose your talking about the guitar and piano? Yeah, I could quite get the shot I wanted with those two. As for the focusing, my camera has...
Unless you bring it up at a completely unrelated moment...
Around the House [IMG] Black and White Basset [IMG] Pawn [IMG] Ebony and Ivory [IMG] Fluorescent [IMG] Pegged [IMG] Saturn [IMG]...
[img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] Just copy and paste those where you want them. The scenary pictures are all in order the...
This whole tread is ****ing terrible, seriously... Why are you fighting over something as trivial as Halo?
when are we going to start voting?
I saw your name on the Facebook LG4 group, and thought it weird
Is your first name Nick? Because if it is, mine is too, and that's really weird.
I've only played Risk a few times, but this seems particularly spot on. I know where you coming from with the no cover thing, but such a large...
why don't you add a tangible background instead of incoherent smudging?
I think it would probably look better if his hand at the right of the sig wasn't so dissolved.
Maybe make the border a really dark brown? I don't know, do one with a new border, and one without a border.