hello to all replies: thnks. now for the map. Thnaks for all the comments and support im glad you like it just remember if you didnt read it on...
[IMG] STREET Hello evryone. I'm back with my second map and the last one on Foundry for a while. As usual, criticize and comment, and rate so I...
lol awesome race map did u get all the little notes in the pics from Demitri Martin? lol awesome rocket race map im impressed with the geomergin'....
!st post! i hope. but rly great race map, the interlocking looks clean, the jumps and turns look beauiful, and it looks like a astonishingly...
due hazza its dylan Dylanpwnsu 27!
this i think is teh best **** zombies map on halo to date... 5/5 dl man nice job this is goin 2 be a fun night for me and my buds with this it...
dude thats a great boat 5/5 but is it playable? and u should think abut making a secound boat for awesome pirate adventures! lol no rly, is u made...
oh and i saw the mauler is RIGHT NEXT 2 the shotgun. this is either for balancing weapon spawn for teams or A VERY BAD CHOICE. survey which it is...
hey dude welcome to forgehub! ok first beautiful map you sure have been forgin before you goin the forgehub community 5/5 dl. Just some...
wow omg 5/5 def dl when i get the map amazing job keep on forging! i love the asthetic parts of the map that roof is REALLY cool, and all of the...
wow this is a fantastic map definate dl 4 me. great job the asthetics look good 2 i love the railing and the overall look of this map it has the...
great post, i like the layyout and symmetricalness of the map. 4.5/5 definate dl when i get the maps in a week! keep forgin!
wow... great map. i have flamin ninjas on blackout and it was a blast. def. dl when i get the maps! 5/5 :D
thx zack dude u finally got a account nice map a map and welcome 2 the community zack (p.s. go on xbox nub)
no if you read the post it said the sniper spawns on SYMMETRICAL games and the beam rifle spawns on ASYMMETRIC games. And thank you for being so...
thx man ye ain the posts above I'm goin 2 make a v2 but I need a little more detail on what to fix so help plz! Butt hank u all for reviewing
if you can or want to (lol) can you tell me where or which places need cleaning up? not hat i think its perfect it just i might not see wat u see
u 2 blahinator ill make a v2 from your advice thx
Well thank you for your review, star of knights. Funny you said that my friend was talkin 2 me bout that some places I need 2 fix up some...
http://haloscreenshots.net/gallery/786708AFF4AA7E8E6E780DE56E87C378/"][IMG] ODYSSEY Hello, everybody! This is my FIRST post, so go easy on me....