wow, fantastic remake of lockout. even though blackout's good, this looks way nicer. Everything looks exactly like the original, and everything in...
pel im starin my V2 soon so wateva u wanna do just if u want sent me an invite or accept mine i need u 2 help fix it up a bit
youre very welcome. the map looks quite fun for hectic team games, with builkdings and stuff towering overhead. but really 2 benefit u learn how 2...
wow thats a great name for a map very intriguing... Yes. Quite. Percisely. /:{ <---- wise old man. lol nah but rly the map looks very balanced and...
This is not up 2 forgehub starndards. Pics, bucko. Go to this website: Halo Screen Shots and type in your gamertag. Then when it loads, click what...
i no he just might not no how i agree i hate ppl who do that thats why i provided a link 2 resolve to problem and raise his self-esteem! supa dupa...
man this is a pretty sexy prisoner remake :] lol no rly i do like the neatness of the remake but 2 things #1- I dont know the weapons (i dont own...
ah, a new member. Welcome to Forgehub. I hope you enjoy the community here, u've probably been here a while and just signed up, im guessing. Your...
i just knew this map was bound to get featured. The conquest gameplay as well as objective games are just a halo player's dream. This masp is made...
WELCOME TO FORGEHUB, young one. You are newbie here, so learn all you can about the rules and regulations. Llol i ai'nt no moderator but rly...
u ready 2 test
wow i'm impressed you took snadbox architecture to the next level. Those snakes on either side are the highlight of this map, and everything else...
i just posted ur page a minute ago and i just saw this. nm that 1 it doesnt matter now u already remembered.
Hey Pel. 2day u think u can test my map, Forerunner, for my V2?(The one with the cliff base and garrison towers and that stuff.) thx. -Dylan
yeap i no. ill go on later too. and i did u gotta accept.
nice. one of the 1st sandbox switches. its just a tele-door though. very easy, made before but it's nice. looks good 2. 5/5 and welcome to forgehub.
goatnuts, dont mind the noobs, its easily understandable 2 me. The door is open at the start cuz the pallet is blocking the reciever node 2 the...
thx 2 all who commented. you get a cookie! lol but rly thx and to any like MacediniaMafia, cuz there are others, that think this map is too open,...
thanks, Harry. Yes the blue base is geo-merged with the cliff behind it. thx for the nice comments about the map.