He's an attention *****, it's what he does. He must be stopped before all spam breaks out!
Yeah... I also posted that link 2 days ago, you fail http://www.forgehub.com/forum/general-chat/33978-end-world-wednesday-8.html#post450156
Who would have thought they would have active running webcams in there but hey. Sure they aren't always particularly interesting but who wouldn't...
I lol'd so ****ing hard. xD
http://vimeo.com/1654340?oct-39 Easier then going to the site...
I never remember Apple saying using our products make you creative or original. Using Photoshop can bring out your creativity and originality, not...
One tip, you should never Flatten Image. New layer, Apply Image. Simple.
Mmm some colour changes and scanlines. Don't get me wrong, it looks really good and all but you know...
Not to be a prick or anything but you really didn't do much to the original image except for crop it and change the background...
Lol, 'render'
Dual boot? It's built into the install if you want to dual boot or not.
Much better =]
Woot =P
Try it out and see what looks good. I'm think a far distance.
Glitches: When you try to start a multiplayer game with some the chances of it booting both players just before you enter the map is incredibly...
It looks faded and greyed out like you haven't finished it yet... I dunno, just looks odd.
There should be a shadow under the brush and text imo
Indeed it is fun, though the game is still in need of a patch for multiplayer. It can be iffy at times.
Lol? The ****? I'm safe and free. I have many more free rights then you. I'm just as safe, if not more safe. I live in Australia, we have freedom...