lololoolol eventually maybe I dunno I just can't be bothered with Halo any more and there is nothing on it I want to do so there doesn't seem to...
Lol right, anyway gone way off topic. MY DOCK! CUSTOM ICONS!! N SUCH!! GUESS TAIM NOA! [IMG]
ROFL! NO lol... He's very cool with it all. It was a joke xD [my dad asks me about my boyfriends... lol]
Wai hello thare
Uhh well I actually just wanted to know what you think to be honest. Because of how you present yourself around here, you're one of the people I...
Lol why is everyone obsessing over it, I think the picture is cool xD That's it... Plain and simple, the design of it is nice. Look I'll go change...
See if you can guess mine =P [yes I made all mine, like you did yours] [IMG] [my dock auto hides, same with my taskbar]