Ohai, was fun playing against you, and rocketing you...xD
Invite me later to test map?
Also invite me later for testing your a shocks mapazor.
I declare you get online and we has 1v1...xD
Liez? That what you thought last night too...xD
Phreakie be Sneakie? xDDDD You was a bit hyper last night, also nice User Custom Title...xD Get online!
Twas fun playing Customs with you guys last night, besides lag, and me not every being able to hear you.
:D I am editing the videos, I will upload them if I go somewhere cause it make everything slow as hell...xD
Sorry my Xbl AV cables was messing up, and I did not feel like putting HDMI cables in :/ I really liked the map though, hope to play it again!
nou, but nvm
Shanon get on we need one more for non staff team..xD
Id say so.
lock? http://www.forgehub.com/forum/off-topic/77058-pointless-thread.html
I won't be uploading tonight cause would be way too long...xD
Haha it good?
Ohai, haven't talked to you in a while.
Then harddrive may be okay, I would try to test it in friend Xbox something, but how long it takes, it really depends on when you send it, plus...
xD Im going to go outside and do parkour to train for Halo...xD I think I am going to play nothing till the time, I am still writing out details...
okay good ;) I have determined that if I play CoD4 and GTA it will help me beat you in Halo! xD