cool cool. Now I will promote you also
Okay should be right.
Okay thats fine, and can you PM me a Pass that you would like it too, or me make up something, and send it to you?
Yo Dawg :P Got the time to be a Mod on HX again :P I feel as if I can trust you, plus help is nice :D
Noes D: Well later I guess :)
D: It was so great D:
get online, i want you opinion of something its my map...xD
Kete thanks for add on XBL :P Also I will attempt a studio for you :D
lol tickle your fancy...xD When shall you be on?
Hey you CoD4, or Halo later? :P Country Life ftw? xD
Want to work on map sometime soon, also do you still have it?
50, I think I have a few warnings for when I first joined, and thats all.
:P I had a feeling you'd get introuble..xD
You haz skype?
Thanks for posting map on my site, it looks great, I will write a detailed review soon, looks awesome ;)
get back to xbox!
lol It was fun though, I killed you when you got on top of map :P