Nice nice, going to do some underage gambling and give me moneyz? :P
lol true true, I'll probably change avatar back to something later anyway :P
I laugh if everyone left pretty much...xD
Nice name change, but hows life going dude?
xD why i this even a war like thing....xDDDDDD I just liekz the slowpokez. I guess ill just leave teh group.
but but but I liek the pokemonz How about a scene chick with Slowpoke head, or body? xD
lol mmk :P I wasn't really active in Scene chick group, I more joined Slowpokes, cause Shock, and Whats a Scope and people wanted me too, so I did. :P
I don't see what the big deal is though, but meh...xD Scene chicks= Hot, fap, love Slowpoke= Fap, awesome, love, butsecks See Slowpose is just...
Well I haz more friend in the Slowpoke grop, plus I liekz pokemonz
Just done a quick one to get it for now, will make better later :P
Oh, Okay no problem at all sir.
Hello! Please add me to your Contact list. [8:25:17 PM] Zanitor: ello? [8:58:20 PM] Zanitor: SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHOOOOOOOCCCKKKKK? Lier...xD
Get back to game!!!!
Wow, This is quite amazing, some of the geomerges look fantastic, and I have played around on this a few times, and it looks extremely good, I am...
you nevar reply D: xD
I'm getting one made ;)
Halo!!!! ?
James Hewson - Lowe you?
I failed you can see through video, but I got progressively better: YouTube - Shock Theta vs Zanitor Game 1 Check it than I will get rest up, then...
I herd you waz 12?