I quit Halo for a month, and I used to play on 9 or 10, now I am down or 6 and 7, 6 for sniping...xD
The C4ds are a bit over used, I usually just use them around the Render or stock for a effect, not the entire signature, but V2 look much better too.
Sounds fine sir, also sent you the PM back ;)
Welcome, Signature also looks great :P
I like the new Batman Avatar.
Now you page is to match your Moderator color..lol Looks better..xD
Ohai, why not Xanon? Meh well. I declare more MLG FFAs, with a closed party of course...xD
Hey Shock, Will you be on XBL tonight, I want you to check mah map, and maybe some CoD4 :P
lol nou, so how goes it?
lol mmk
HEY YOU? When shall we meet for the thingy? BEat the staff thing?
[IMG]:O better?
Skype? Well I will attempt to message...xD
[IMG] xD
H4X! :P No really get a mic...xD
D: Well goodnight for nao :D
Nou, get you a nice mic for 360 while there...xD
I already lefted group...xD